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Friday, March 1, 2019

Mobile phone, is it destroying our family life?

Mobile phone, is it destroying our family life?

What changes have led to a sharp increase in mobile phone usage and how can privacy be maintained?

Mobile phone, is it destroying our family life?
The mobile phone has become another extension to us in recent years. It's hard to find an eight-year-old boy or older who does not carry a mobile phone in his pocket, nor can business people leave the mobile phone at the end of the working day. What changes have led to a sharp increase in mobile phone usage and how can privacy be maintained?

Most of us tend to think that we control technology, that technology is only a tool for us in everyday life and that no technological product can control our lives. But have we noticed that with mobile access to our lives, we are available almost 24 hours a day for anyone who wants to contact us, send SMS or upload a movie in Watts?

The mobile phone has multiple effects on changes that occur in our lives - some of them are healthy and good effects but others are negative. Here we are not talking about radiation from a mobile phone and to measure its full impact health researchers will have to wait for a few years to come.

Since the mobile phone has entered our lives, we have gradually become attracted to its magic, by feeling more connected to the world around us. At the same time, we have neglected the importance of the aspects that existed in our lives before. 

The entry of mobile phones has many effects on changes that occur in our professional and personal lives in particular. Many studies have been conducted on this subject and their results are inconclusive, but they all speak of it. There is no doubt that with the entry of mobile phone there have been many changes in our lives, such as family life:

The boundary between family life and working life is unclear. We can not set boundaries as before, before the invention of a mobile phone. When we get back home we are separated from work because we simply did not have the possibility to continue working by mobile phone. We spend free time talking about work, responding to customers, talking to colleagues through mobile, and often neglecting our family life, the so-called family work spillover.

There have also been changes in our social life with the entry of a mobile phone, and we are increasingly strengthening our personal relationships with mobile phones and avoiding contacts that have been accepted in the past, through encounters, face-to-face conversations and deeper acquaintance. Ease of communication with us has become available to everyone but is this good?

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There are other effects of mobile phone use, such as affecting the work of our brain. A US study in 2013 has shown that mobile phone talk affects certain cells that affect our nervous system.

So what do we do? How can you however get away from the mobile phone? How can we be less communicative in an era when mobile phones have become part of our lives?

So the solution your therapist will give you can be something like this: set yourself time to talk on the mobile phone out of business hours, no more than this time, no matter how necessary it is, everything can wait until tomorrow. The solution that the Ministry of Health will give you: To prove the damage caused by the use of the mobile phone, avoid as much as possible to speak through it.

But are these solutions realistic? Can a businessman really get away from a mobile phone? Can senior managers, business people, corporate managers say "Enough! I do not respond to calls starting at 20:00 pm"?

The answer is "no". We can not choose not to use the means that guide society around us as the fastest and easiest way to communicate.

We want to be in touch, we want to be familiar and we want to know what was the subject of the call we missed.

We all know the negative effects of the mobile phone, and we may find ourselves often telling how much better the situation was when this heavy responsibility was not on our shoulders to answer every call, we know that there is no such thing as going home and dropping it all. But we also know that in our time, especially in the business world, if you are not in touch there is no you.

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